
The following prizes are announced for the winners of the competition:
The competition has two areas as mentioned in the section "The areas of the competition”.


One prize in each category

Grand Prize


One prize in each category

1st place


One prize in each category

2nd place


One prize in each category

3rd place


the number of Honorary Mentions will be decided by the Judges

Honorary mention

Album selection

For all photo which will be published in album – author will receive 1 album for one photo.

The names of the eight winners will be announced on the official website of I.A.O. ( and on the competition website (

The winners will be awarded during the annual General Assembly of the Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy (I.A.O.) in July 2021. Winners will be responsible for submitting any profit to the authorities as required by law and to pay any taxes due on each prize they have received. In consultation with the I.A.O., awards can be given by other bodies, such as the Councils of church buildings (within the framework of the I.A.O. award ceremony).

How to participate

Entering the competition is free of charge. Entries must be received between 12th of March and 30st of June 2021.